Havana, Cuba (Gastrosofie). A lot of things have run down in Cuba, not just houses. Morbid charm can also be found in the capital of the socialist or communist island state of Cuba, known as the Villa de San Cristóbal de la Habana, as comrades believe. Over 2 million people are said to live in Havana by now. The city is said to have been founded by the Spaniards on the Buch von Havana in 1519, although it was not granted city charter until 1592, although it was considered the capital of Cuba as early as 1552.
The Yankee imperialists from the VSA followed the Spaniards. After the revolution from 1953 to 1959, Castro-Communism followed. The Castro brothers are now a thing of the past. Somehow that also applies to the El Floridita bar, which is still a tourist attraction because the daiquiri, a cocktail made from sugar, rum and lime juice, is said to have been invented there and Ernest Hemingway drank there. The writer probably got his own mixture, i.e. double the amount of rum, but allegedly avoided sugar. The mixture with grapefruit juice and maraschino is called Papa Double, it is named after him.
The master himself is still there – cast in bronze. One hand on the hip, the other on the counter. In front of it is a book with glasses. Legend has it that the bartenders provide a daiquiri every day. Apart from that, Hemingway also drank in the Bar Dos Hermanos and the Bar La Bodeguita del Medio. This is what the people say and this is how travelers who follow in the footsteps of the masters in Havana drink their way through the bars.
In any case, a daiquiri is a must in Hemingsway’s favorite bar
El Floridita
Adresse: Obispo, La Habana, Kuba