Reserved for Gastrosofie – Talking to Meir Adoni at Layla Berlin

Layla by Mar restaurant Opening Event with celebrity guests in Berlin, Germany. Featuring: Meir Adoni Where: Berlin, Germany When: 01 Nov 2018 Credit: AEDT/

Berlin, Germany (Gastrosofie). You’re lucky if Meir Adoni finds the time for an interview as he did when he popped into Layla again recently to talk to us on his way to the airport. Who played the decisive role back in Morocco that made Meir get interested in cooking? What’s the philosophy behind his combining and matching those different types of oriental cuisine into marvellous works of culinary art that swift and eager service will with pride joyfully present? Is there a signature or favourite dish Meir could point out to? Will the Layla message be passed on in tasty eh seminars to keen cooking guests like a lot of Berliners? Meir Adoni is always into something new: a restaurant to open in Kiew? Yes – and he’s off to Tegel and Tel Aviv. While we take a seat at the bar, waiting for our friends with whom we will soon dine lavishly.

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