Berlin, Germany (Gastrosofie). This is the sort of thing that you could sing, or certainly hear being sung visiting the „Hofbräu München“ at Karl Karl Liebknecht Strasse in Berlin. „In Berlin steht ein Hofbräuhaus: Eins, zwei, … g’suffa ! / Da läuft so manches Fäßchen aus: Eins, zwei, … g’suffa ! / Da hat so manche braver Mann: Eins, zwei, … g’suffa ! / Gezeigt was er so vertragen kann. / Schon früh am Morgen fing er an, / Und spät am Abend kam er heraus, / So schön ist’s im Hofbräuhaus.“ Those who are familiar with the “Hofbräuhaus-Song” from 1939, for which the born Berliner Wilhelm Ernst Karl „Wiga“ Gabriel wrote the text and composed the music, know that we exchanged only one word. By the way, these drinking song lyrics were the nicest “Wiga” had in his repertoire those days, now rightly a worldwide favourite.

Because in Berlin is the Hofbräu München and there a band on stage every evening. 365 days a year Oktoberfest feeling on the Spree, in the middle of the capital. True enough, the band also plays pop songs and concerts with pop music, but over the next few weeks, the soccer world championships will be spot on and broadcast on big screens in the event floor on the first floor. Game glamour galore, so to speak.
Up at the top, knuckles and kelps of beer will be served during the champs, but on ground floor and in the beer garden terrace much more. If you want to prepare yourself for the merrymaking feasts, stay hungry and learn the text of Wiga Gabriel with Berlin instead of Munich by heart, before digging into great Bavarian grub!

On two floors, food and drink à la Bavaria is offered. The portions are huge. In the Hofbräu München, Wirtshaus Berlin you truly get your moneys worth: Bavarian folklore for fans at its brawling best for Chinese, Russian and all other guests from round the world. Yodelling women, Schuhplattler and Alphorn blowers occasionally are on show under the vault that hides a skeleton from the GDR era, when the building was still a company canteen.
Today, „on 6,500 square meters up to 4,000 guests“ are served, quote the waiters that come and go at a rapid pace and to the beat of the music, swiftly inside and outside. With around 500 seats on the doorstep, Hofbräu München, Wirtshaus Berlin is the capital’s largest beer garden.
We recommend to all who drink and eat the original Hofbräu to move when the band plays. Last night, when we Gastrosofen were there, the dance-floor was seldom empty, often jam-packed. The glasses are always well filled and are as big as the plates.

The Hofbräu runs as “Original”, “Dunkel” or “Weiße” from the cool cellar up to the dispenser and pours into the half or one-litre glass. Schwarze or Kristall White and even Hofbräu Alcohol-free stream down the thirsty throats.
The kitchen offers classics such as half a chicken, “Surhaxe” or crispy pork knuckle. Also veal schnitzel and even a Schlachtplatte with knuckle, roast pork, Leberkäs, Rostbratwürstl, white sausage, Reiberdatschi, dumplings, coleslaw and sauerkraut in the large pan are offered, with dark beer sauce and sweet and medium-hot mustard. Onion roast from the hips or braised lamb chops are also delicious. If you can manage more, do try the sweets. How about a lukewarm apple strudel or caramelized Kaiserschmarrn? Or go for a “Brotzeit” – the Munich sausage salad or homemade Obatzter is not only a treat to relish when Bayern München plays upstairs.
Where to enjoy it all? Correct: „In Berlin there’s a Hofbräuhaus …“
Hofbräu Müchen, Wirtshaus Berlin
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 30, 10178 Berlin, Phone: +49 (0) 30 679 66 55 20, E-Mail: reservierung@berlin-hofbraeu.de, Web: www.berlin-hofbraeu.de/berlin
Opening hours: Sunday to Thursday from 10 am to 1 am, Saturdays and Fridays from 10 am to 2 am.
Christopher Prescott – text based on an article by Ole Bolle