Berlin, Germany (Gastrosofie). Young wine tastings take place in lots of wineries or other locations. The month of February seems to have been created for this habit, and tastings of young wines sometimes go on from March to well into April. There is not much to do in the vineyard yet. Right, vines are cut back on one or two rods, the cut wood is chopped and worked into the ground, but the real ground work only begins when the farmer tenses the horses – as the fairy tale goes – in March.
Time to taste then. This also applies to the winegrowers of the more than 60 wineries in the Saale Unstrut wine region, who are either full-time or part-time in the job. Already well known are Winzervereinigung Freyburg, Landesweingut Kloster Pforta and Rotkäppchen Sektkellerei.
On Saale and Unstrut
On Saale and its tributary Unstrut, to be found in Saxony-Anhalt south of Halle, the wineries seem to offer a lot of events, especially in April. They start at the end of March with the awakening of spring in the courtyards, and offer the one or other young wine weekend. To say nothing of the splendid “Osterfeuer” or Easter bonfire mid-April – so long as fear of Corona does not cancel them.
There was no thought of that when the representation of the State of Saxony-Anhalt at the federal government in Berlin invited for the young wine tasting hardly a week ago. Here at the ex-“Möwe” the regional wine queen Annemarie Triebe held court, as we from Gastrosofie together with a number of wine-lover guests tasted wine at the stands of the Landesweingut Kloster Pforta GmbH, the Winzervereinigung Freyburg Unstrut eG, the wine manufacturer Alte Zuckerfabrik (no sweet wine, mind you), the winery Beyer, the winery Bobbe, the viticulture Dr. Lindicke, the Fröhlich-Hake winery, the Grober Feetz winery, the Siegmund & Klingbeil wine house and the Winzerhof Gussek. Prime fine wine – come down and try for yourself as soon as you can!
Christopher Prescott based on a text by Ole Bolle.