The new Aged Gin 2024 from Berliner Brandstifter is here – the Berlin Aged Gin 2024 matured in Bordeaux red wine barrels for 16 months

Der neue Aged Gin 2024 von Berliner Brandstifter ist da und gilt als "ein Meisterwerk für Genießer". © Berliner Brandstifter GmbH

Berlin, Germany (Gastrosofie). The new Aged Gin 2024 from Berliner Brandstifter is here and is already considered ‘a masterpiece for connoisseurs’. Firstly, this is the case and not otherwise stated in a press release from 13 September 2024 from Berliner Brandstifter GmbH, which is based in Berlin, and secondly, as of today, a bottle of this edition, ‘strictly’ limited to 2,200 bottles, is in our good editorial office.

The Berlin Aged Gin 2024 is said to offer special taste experiences. This also applies to the blueberries in the product photo, but also to this gin, which has matured for 16 months in Bordeaux red wine barrels. If Bordeaux doesn’t go with gin like this in a glass, then I don’t know what does. Gin is derived from genévrier juniper and is a colourless spirit. The new Aged Gin 2024 from the Berlin-based company Brandstifter has not only absorbed the aromas of the oak barrels, so that the depth and complexity can be tasted at the first sip, while the colour catches the eye at first glance. A red wine barrel is a red wine barrel, which also shapes the taste.

Those who recognise ‘sweet vanilla and spicy oak notes’ know their stuff. The melange with ‘the floral notes of dry gin and the fruity freshness of blueberries’ will be appreciated. Vincent Honrodt, founder of Berliner Brandstifter GmbH, explains: ‘In view of the unbroken popularity of our Aged Gins, it was an obvious decision to produce another vintage. Previous editions are almost completely sold out, which shows how much our customers appreciate this exquisite taste experience. For this vintage, we have once again selected particularly exquisite red wine casks. The exceptionally long maturation really sets the Aged Gin apart in terms of elegance and quality.’

Nothing could be better than that!

The delicacy, with an alcohol content of 50.3% vol., is available to buy at a price of € 84.90 from selected specialist stores and from the Berliner Brandstifter online shop.

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